A second morning. In a row. This is some sort of New York May surf record for me. I took out the ten footer again. More or less the same wave hospitality out there for the big lunk, especially as I was goofing around doing prat falls on the rights. Long Beach is not for rights. Next time I'll try to get more serious and bob with the rest waiting for the lefts that actually work.
And yes it's
that Thome Browne board.
And I was lucky enough to run into The Glider this morning. One of the reasons I love the surf scene in NY is the still small-town feel. Things can get twitchy, but it can't stay that way for long, you rub elbows again and again. Reason enough to stay and sort it out. Anyhow, check out this blog and spy the thoughtful photography:
Salt Stained Eyes
Two funny moments in 24 hours.
Yesterday putting the board on the jalopy, this fellow swings over to the wrong lane, parks the wrong way, hops out and starts grilling me about the surf. Apparently from the south. Nice guy though, and the proud owner of his own surf scene. I hope to see him in the water soon. As soon as he overcomes his fear of wetsuits, that is.
Check it and enter to win a board.
This morning, putting the board on the mobile, two ne'er do wells walking home from a late night. Very hooligan, very low slung pants. One pipes up with the classic "You going surfing?" query. Um, yeah. But you don't be flip with a tuff, so I answer politely. Both of them get these big, wide smiles and get all youngster giddy. Hilarious. Even gave me the thumbs up. Walked away shaking their heads. I love New York.