Monday, December 13, 2010

EBNY Winter Whine Countup #3

Adam Cannizzaro was kind enough to draw our attention to this, just the sort of image we'd been assiduously avoiding all day. Missing an epic day, or even a relatively fun one, is no strange experience to any surfer living anywhere, but notches significantly higher on the personal pain scale when you live in New York City. Heaps of stress, from high-profile pressure-cooker jobs to the standard urban hardships of concrete jungle living, tend to push the need for a mid-winter, mid-day breather into Need Level Orange. There is no, "oh well, I'll get it tomorrow" here. Because likely you'll have something even harrier to deal with at the office tomorrow, or, more likely, the surf will be gone or blown out. On a brighter note, this is only the third Winter Whine Countup so far. This doesn't mean we haven't been whining, but we haven't been whining to you. Alright!

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