Friday, December 10, 2010

The Other Matt Lusk

There are a lot of blogs about New York out there. Lot's of little digital nooks and crannies nestled into neat little binary corners of the web. They say different things, espouse different things, cook up different hyperboles. My favorites, though, are usually on the daily personal experience side; the kind of thing a "weblog" was dreamed up to be. And one of my favorites of these is this. Matthew Lusk (no relation to the surf photographer of the same name) is a classic New York artist type, struggling to make ends meet as a general contractor and carpenter while trying to keep making art as the point of it all. It's a pretty standard song, and not the one you hear about, not the one about being remarkably hip, young and vapid, or being ubersuccessful and fabulous. The one about knowing how to make things, having a sensibility, developing an eye, knowing your shit and working day in and day out to get out what you need to get out.

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