Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stecyk. Lentini. Stecyk. Hurley?

Yeah, well there is a lot going on here. Or maybe not much at all. Very simple, probably. Just one vision of one vision of the California dream. But of that vision, it's all there, fever-dream style. As many things Stecyk, it was brought to my attention by one B. Lentini of Mastastico Town. Based on the little You Tube ticker, it hasn't been enjoyed nearly enough.


ras said...

as much as I like the short - don't you get tired of the romanticism of Southern California? the whole macho gritty thing seems so contrived. the women are always an after thought. and alluding to Mexican cultural impact without ever giving it an honest nod...

it's not like those guys are tough because they have all this adversity to contend with. they are Americans living in a place where it's always sunny for Chrisakes. I dunno. it just seems tired. we've been sold that shit for so long. maybe I just need a next coffee.

EditorialBoard said...

Oh, yeah well, it seems far more like what I called it "a fever dream" of sorts. I actually have little emotional connection to the stuff in this piece, and it certainly isn't selling me anything. I don't like riding motorbikes, or building hotrods. I don't aspire to those things. I think the kind of cultural bliss is an honest mish mash from one perspective. One vision of one vision of one place. It is a little cultural film about some observed environmental poetry that I think is done pretty well. The goal seems only to be touching the hints and hues, smells and bits of pointy things that poke out when involved with a certain sort of manufactured subculture.
I mean, I still get excited about surf films, and at least 50% of surf films are contrived hogwash.
Shit, more that 50% of everything we did is just designed to waste time...