Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mastic is the new Mastic

Let's get one thing straight, I'm not a skater.  I'm not that cool.  Skaters are cool and I'm not. I've always been ok with that.  Sort of.  I mean, I tried to skate.  I skated a little. And for what it's worth, I wasn't terrible.  But I'm no skater.  I like tennis.  And I like soccer. But the last time I was on a half pipe, somewhere in the piedmont of Santa Barbara, I twisted my ankle so bad I couldn't walk straight for a while.  My ankle is now permanently jacked.  All this is to say that the KCDC ramp is now somewhere safe and getting ready for a son to better his father.


nsabich said...

Is this the new surf abode, Todd? Congrats if it is!

Toddy said...

Nah, Lentini's but just a few blocks away, supposing all goes right...