Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Sucker

 I'm a sucker for all sorts of stuff. I'm a sucker for Wes Anderson films. I can't help it. I am newly a sucker for Woody Allen films. I didn't rate them for years. And then all of a sudden his whole schtick hit me between el ojos and there I am, a sucker. I am a sucker for classical music. I listen to it constantly. WQXR. Sucker. I am a sucker for photos of ladies bums. But maybe that's more information than I need to write here. I am a sucker for weird people and a sucker for nerds. I am a sucker for hating jocks. That is, I am a sucker for the underdog. I am a sucker for my propensity to lose my temper. I am addicted to it, I think. (I am a sucker, apparently, for that humbling experience.)  I am a sucker for sentimentality. I just can't stand sarcasm. And I dont do well with passive aggressive behavior. Or rather, things I perceive as passive aggressive behavior. (See that sucker for losing my temper statement.)

 I am a sucker for these sorts of endeavors.


Freaky Born Wings said...

Holy crap. If Tarkovsky made a surf short, would it look like this? Or Kubrick? Or Malick? Fantastic.

EditorialBoard said...

Mick's thought: http://safetosea.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/id-resisted-posting-any-more-clips-from.html

EditorialBoard said...

"I'd resisted posting any more clips from The Reef as, out of context, it is easy to misconstrue what it is all about.

Then I discover Jonny Frank has posted the piece I called The American Boy on his site.

It had been the logical choice for a new addition so I was stoked in a way he'd taken the plunge.

The reason I'd referred to it in this way was that my edit to the opening of the third movement of George Crumb’s Black Angels (God Music) was a reaction to the time the piece was written (during the Vietnam war) and the presence amongst us of an American Boy in the form of the virtuosic Ryan Burch.

I was aware of the circumstances behind the piece and I'd been thinking of the impact of war on the lives of so many young men through the ages. Ryan, at 23, is a soldierly age, but to see his constant, joyful expression of life and possibility throws the waste of war into a very bitter focus.

Born in another time he could have been standing in a padi field in Vietnam.

Here he rejoices in being young, alive, very goofy, and doing what he was so clearly born to do.

As ever working with the brilliant vision Jon was so constantly providing made it an absolute blast to work on, and the music, played on cello and wine glasses, is, well, God Music.

*Please note.. it opens in silence as it transitions from the previous sequence in The Reef."

-Mick on Safe To Sea