Tuesday, January 8, 2013


When did Alex Knost go from being that goofy kid who always had that whiff of "trying-too-hard" to a surfer with a style that could almost be understated? It's like he went into everything head first, soaking it all up and manually working it all out center stage till the stuff just soaked into his DNA, making it all look effortless. Then again that is the worn path of youth and the inevitable maturation of talent.

...or not, looks like someone decided this shouldn't be seen by the masses anymore.
The short, ecstatic life of the too hasty film premiere.


Anonymous said...

If that's the clip with the "Freebird" soundtrack - it's a shame it's been taken away...
For one, and primarily, what a bunch of very great surfing teasers...
For two (can you say that?), Freebird for a surf soundtrack? - never cared for the tune and now I do - who'd a thunk...
Big Question - Whatever happened to the supposed movie? Victim of the short attention span digital age?

EditorialBoard said...

Ha! I don't even know. I surreptitiously watched and posted this during a "meeting" with the sound turned off.

Anonymous said...

What good are you then ?
Knew a few girls like you in high school...farkin' teases..

EditorialBoard said...

Christ, if we were of any use we wouldn't be here, would we?

Anonymous said...

That's my new business card - Thank You!
Me, My Contact Info, My Trade =
My life now has direction...
I work (relatively) cheap...
Keep up keeping us informed EB