Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adam Cannizzaro's Instant Gratification

I've been looking at Adam's photos for a few years.  They fluctuate between the literal figurative, and the flippantly abstract. His approach is pretty pragmatic given whatever he seems to be looking at.  It is a trained ability to see that takes time to learn, a time to add to talent, and that has a lot of value against the instant nature of our digital realm. He is offering his photos up as fundraising for the Sandy Relief effort.  Every one a perfect holiday gift.

"Hi, These are photos from the NY and NJ area, taken either with an Iphone or Canon60D and edited on Iphone. For those of you interested in purchasing any of these prints, 100% of all profits will go directly to Hurricane Sandy relief through the Waves For Water organization. You can find more information at Thank you for the support."

1 comment:

Mick said...

This is what gets me about you New Yorkers. Hide away pretending you're in construction and then pull something like this out of your back pocket! (or iPhone) (or whatever)