Monday, September 20, 2010

EBNY Winter Whine Countup #1

Today's Surf, Missed by one EBNY Contributor and not the other by Bryce Nihill

It is the very beginning of that very nefarious time of year.  The time of year that lasts until it is run through to it's inevitable and uninspiring end.  Yes, nefarious.  Yes, uninspiring.  It all starts with a few well-worn phrases, continues into some putrid cliches and ends up at the doorstep (ringing and knocking) of pure, vile self-pity. So here is the first of many.  Do yourself a favor, whenever you see that title, Winter Whine Countup #X, don't even read on. Just shrug your shoulders, sigh and know there is some poor sod, sitting in an entirely too-comfy office, bemoaning his fate.  Just don't despise him as much as he despises himself.  Whoops, there we go...

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