Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Has this seen the loop? Has this been a million other places I haven't looked lately? Probably. But it's always fun to happen upon something great in a place one doesn't usually look. This is great, haven't seen it before and if you have... watch it again. Why not?


Growling Gecko said...

It's in a hippies blood. I can proudly state that apart from the posts, bearers and joists, Michelle and I built the house we live in two years ago saving ourselves around $100,000 AUS. A very satisfying feeling indeed. For five years in the early 90's I lived in a mud-brick dodecahedron!

EditorialBoard said...


Mr. Lentini said...

I love that he realized domes sucked after seeing a shack on the side of the road...and that door handle is epic I am steeling that idea