Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Broome St. Temple

The magic of the "big city" is often put to the excitement of the cosmopolitan milieu; the crowds of people crossing each other's paths from all over the globe, gibbering and jabbering, hustling and bustling, sparking and sparring. It is often to this that people point when they say "in New York, things happen." It is also because of this that some people people tend to stay away. Too crazy, crass and crowded. But part of the joy of living here is how all these cultural elements don't just render creative conflict, but create moments of special solace and true spiritual participation that has a flavor rarely found elsewhere. My friend Chris made this film about a place he likes to spend his time. He himself a product of rather multi-continental and decidedly non-Hindu upbringing, has nonetheless found a spot that soothes his soul in that particular way. And the big city is a perfect setting.

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