Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today's Thought

Stories from the Grand Street Playground
Yesterday Delphine told me that life in Paris is too bourgeois, her holiday at home bringing her nothing but cafes and wine drinking and nights out spent in conversation through the wee morning hours. She added that she finds men sexier there. A handful of minutes later, Molly regaled me with tales of Istanbul and how it is such a kid friendly city. Her holiday, spent with Everard and the two girls in the shadow of the Hagia Sophia, bewitching her, "illuminating" as she said. Everard admitted that perhaps one ought to watch the little girls closely when there. He was worried by possible snatchings. Maura spent her holiday in Greenpoint watching someone's geriatric golden labrador. Nick and Quynh spent their holiday traipsing the trails at Yosemite.

Stories from Fatherly Duties
The thing is, sometimes you just gotta eat it.  Granted, it weren't all bad.  But sometimes she gets to go out to Montauk to visit friends on the eve of some surfable waves while you've got to stay in town and take the kid to his friend's birthday parties.  It is what it is.  Luckily the birthday party was at Zebulon and the pastis and parler flowed like wine.  Comme du wine. And this morning when Fresh Direct rang my door, my head splitting with unrepentant soify memory, I checked the little digital forecaster knowing I was in for a heartache of a different sort.  Ah, fatherhood.  Ah, husbandhood.  At least we'll always have permaculture.

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