Tuesday, August 31, 2010

D. Brown Makes Another Film

I can't imagine anything more boring that listening to another bunch of surfy guys and gals talk about how gnarly and epic the North Shore is. Well, sure I can. I mean, of course I can. But still. I mean, still. Watching this clip pretty much summed up all the expectations I had before I watched the clip. Big gesticulations, superlatives, hyperbole, funny accents, images of waves that would make me pee my beach britches. You name it, it's there. Of course I haven't seen it yet and the fact is I will. Because I have to. Because it will be great. Or at least great enough in a very, very specific way. I'm just not sure which way that's going to be. Yet. I'm sure I'll think of something.

1 comment:

EndlessBummerNY said...

Be sure to read the director's statement on the website. It actually lends a bit to the film already...